
Foxborough 5K

9/14/24 - Foxborough 5K Race Report

As per usual lately, today I almost did not race simply because the sig-up table was not prepared to take my cash! Gone are the days when cash was king! 

For boring documentry, I had a nice piece of salmon and rice pilaf for dinner. I had a bit of sugar free icecream and a cookie for desert. Got up at 5 AM and had my large mug of coffee, took a shower and drove over to the 5K race.  Got in a 1.2 mile warm up which was good for the legs but unfortunatley I still could not breath the first mile of the 5K so lungs were not warmed up yet. 

Soon we were done with the star spangled banner (which I love) and off we went like a heard of animals. After a few minutes I settled into pace I was given for that day.  I was thinking, well, if 7:30 is going to be my pace then I'll accept but damn, thought I would go under 7:30s today.

Mile 2 was a bit downhill so thankfully I was able to catch my breath and speed up a bit. Before the race I noticed a young woman who had a track T-shirt on while stretching. I was able to pass her.  I didn't think that was going to happen so I was pretty stoked.  

Mile 3 is just a hurt fest, trying to hold onto mile 2 pace, which I managed to do. I also managed to relax a bit and decided I could surge in the last quarter mile.

I ran the race perfectly; 1st mile at 7:32, 2nd mile at 7:16, mile 3 at 7:11 and the last .1 at 6:31!!!  Goal achieved.  Came at 22:40. Made my goal of breaking 23 min! 1st place 50-59,  4th female overall. Average pace was 7:18-7:20.  

Thank you God for this race!

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